Why Long Tail Pro Keyword Research Tool is Not Working Properly?
Long Tail Pro (LTP) is one of the best keyword research tool available in the market.. With proper planning, you can easily earn from $3000 – $5000 a month from Long Tail Pro. You can in fact learn a lot about keyword research, making money and finding profitable keywords, and many other things after buying Long Tail Pro. Just like every other tool, even long tail pro got some technical issues once in a while. Though they will be solved in their next update, this article is for people who are much active and impatient to know what’s wrong with their keyword research tool.
If you have been LPT from a while, you might have observed the tool freezing at “Fetching Keywords”. This is quite common, as Long Tail Pro pulls data from Google Adwords consistently. You can set this right with some simple tweaks in your Long Tail Pro keyword tool itself. Sometimes LTP has nothing to do with the tool, as Google Adwords itself have some technical issues while fetching the data. Follow these simple tips to check whether your are tweaking the right options or not.
Simple Tweaks in Long Tail Pro:
1) Make sure your Google Adwords Log in credentials are accurate. If not just click on the settings and reenter your correct adwords log in credentials. You can use this option while generating the keywords, or by click on show keyword planner at bottom of LPT tool.
2) Since Google has recently launched their New Keyword Planner, they often ask you to sign up or agree for the new billing terms of conditions. So just check with your Google Adwords after logging into the account.
3) If everything seem to be okay, then click on Generate Keywords in your LTP as usual. And even if you are unable to fetch the keywords, then just click on show keyword planner option at the bottom of Long Tail Pro tool. This will show the background process of Google Adwords planner, and mostly can fix your issues with a single click.
4) And if this doesn’t work, then simple delete all your existing campaigns and make a new one by clicking on generate keywords.
5) If all these steps fail to solve your issue, then simple uninstall the tool and reinstall it again. You can download the updated version by clicking the below link.
Download Long Tail Pro
Hope these simple tweaks will help you in solving the Long Tail Pro technical issues. Let me know if you need any additional assistance regarding Long Tail Pro.